Billy’s random thoughts.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


So, today is a good day, cause today is Thursday. Yeah….So, if U haven’t picked up a Blue Vipers CD yet, DO IT NOW! While supplies last, for a limited time only, we’ll throw in a case! Whoo Hooo! We got Tshirts (maybe) too, and you can always order a promo poster, so you can see us perched on a rock in Williamsburg….Or, I’ll send you a picture of his underwear, looking innocent yet aware…Or not.

Ok, as some of u know, we celebrate alot of things at this time of year, but tomorrow, lets celebrate snow…Cause that’s gonna be about it for the day…A whole shitload of snow…Merry Christmas ho ho ho white Christmas, oh yeah.

So, I gotta say this to all my readers out in dance land, “THE HOUSE IS NOT A DANCER FRIENDLY VENUE!” In other words, the owner jumped on me about dancers dancing at a nondanceable venue..He was pissed too..Very Pissed..The place is just tooo smalll…Sorry dancers, that ain’t the place to boogie, and pleeeease don’t push it or ITS MY ASS! Thanx.

And now, the B movie reference of the day is not to one film but one man who directed many films, Mario Bava, an Italian Visionary who directed such classics as The Planet of the Vampires, inspiration for Aliens and other such flicks..Mario was a painter originally, then went on to make some beautiful films in Italian and English such as Knives of the avenger, Kill,Baby, Kill, and The Day the Sky Exploded…

Young Mario went from painting to his father’s work in sculpting and special effects…The colors in his films are Brilliant, lots of cool stuff going on there and really the precursors to many modern genres of Horror films are included in his body of work (check out Twitch of The Death Nerve to see the birth of the slasher flick) Cool stuff.

On that note,

B is for beautiful! not for Budget!

Check us out soon, watch many movies, and listen to cool stuff every cahnce u get!


Billy Nemec